If that cute little face doesn't brighten your day, then I don't know what will! That is my Jayda bug! She is the beautiful 17 month old daughter of my first cousin, Megan, and she is growing up way too fast! I am so excited to get to spend a little more time with her this summer, as she is changing so quickly. It is so wonderful and refreshing to spend more time with all of my family, since my schedule settles down significantly during the summer.

Since Miss Ohio is over, I feel as though my summer has officially begun! I have a more strict schedule in keeping up with the three online classes I am taking this summer, and also I am working 23 hours a week for my job. As well as the schedule, I have more free time to relax and enjoy the summer as I please! For one of my online classes, which is a Bible course, I had to learn about another religion different than my own. I had to research that religion and immerse myself in it, finding commonalities and differences between us. I chose Islam. This religion has always been linked with so much hatred and so many misconceptions, so I decided to get my own perspective. I attended a 2 hour seminar on Shariah (the Muslim way of life) in Toledo, OH at the University of Toledo. It was an incredibly fulfilling and engaging experience! I was nervous walking in because I knew that we had our theological differences, but they were some of the nicest people I have ever met, and we treated each other with the utmost of respect. I truly learned a lot about their beliefs and their way of life, and many of my pre-existing stereotypes were shattered upon entering that room. I was thankful that I had the opportunity to attend, on a personal level as well as an educational one.

Other than my college courses, as I mentioned, I am trying to enjoy some fun, social aspects of this summer vacation as well! :) This past Fourth of July weekend, I was blessed enough to have both Friday and Monday off from work, so I took off for Delphi, Indiana to visit primarily my boyfriend and his family, but also got to see a few college friends as well! I left right after work on Thursday and stayed until early this past Tuesday morning, when I awoke and left by 7 am so I could clock in at work at 10 am. Let's just say 5-hour energy drink was my best pal that day. ;)
I had such a blast over the holiday weekend, though! I did everything from a fun double date, babysitting Brett's little five-year old sister, watching Brett beast the drums, bass, guitar, and vocals at a gig on Friday, play Sims, write music, visit local landmarks, see my friends, sing in church, watch Transformers 3, stargaze, get sunburned on the lake, slip and slide, cook out, have a wonderful, resourceful date in Indy, and watch the best fireworks ever!!! It was a fabulous weekend, one full of many wonderful memories and it was a much needed recharge for my batteries. :)

In terms of my job, I am loving every minute of it! The kids who I have the opportunity to serve food to are fantastic and adorable! I love seeing their faces light up when they get a free meal. One of the perks of my job is that I get to take home any leftover food that is unused that the college would just throw away. So today, I was sent home with 2 whole bundles of bananas! They were quite ripe, so I decided to make some delicious and healthy oatmeal banana muffins with a sugary banana glaze for the top!! I may make some banana pudding tomorrow. :) I am also reading a wonderful book right now by Francine Rivers entitled, "Lineage of Grace" and it is about 5 Biblical women who were unlikely candidates for greatness, but through God's mercy and love in their brokenness, they had a hand in changing eternity. It focuses in on Tamar, Ruth, Bathsheba, Rahab, and Mary. I love how I can actually bake and read during the summer, things I can never enjoy during my busy schoolyear.

In upcoming news, this coming Saturday, I will be judging the Miss Pride of Montpelier pageant! This pageant is a wonderful opportunity for girls of all ages to develop poise, stage presence, confidence, and a sense of self worth through pageantry! They compete in a few different stages of competition, the oldest "Miss " division is the only one with a talent portion. I am very excited to judge, as I always think it is quite eye-opening to be on the other side of the table. :) It should be a great experience and a fun resume-builder as well. I cannot wait to see some of my Miss Ohio sisters who will also be judging the pageant as well! Reunion!!
I may be formulating a new platform idea, so in the future, you may see a few blog entries with me working on my new platform. But until then, I will let you wonder in anticipation. :) I am hoping to plan a few nursing home visits here in the near future, so be on the lookout for a new update. In the mean time, remember THIS is the day the Lord has made! Even if it may seem like a terrible day to you... you have so much to be thankful for! God bless!
Courtney - 07/08/11