Hello everyone!
This is my very belated blog post to synopsize what has been happening in my life over the past two months. I was hoping to do an update in April, but my schedule, in all sincerity, has been about the equivalent of two people's schedules. I have been going on a NYC tour with my college's choir, taking 20 credit hours, participating in a world premiere of an opera with a role I was handed a month before the premiere due to a girl stepping down from the role, participating in a weekend opera improvisation workshop, preparing/practicing for my end-of-year voice jury, auditioning for the fall musical, finishing up my recital attendance requirements, working various recitals, accompanying three voice lessons and playing for their juries, writing a 10 page music history research paper, arranging a hymn for a full orchestra for my final exam, playing in the Anderson University Wind Ensemble's spring concert, and finishing up my 25 hours practicum in high school choral methods, all while trying to maintain some semblance of a social life with a sparkling crown balanced nicely on my head.
But, I made it! I'm here, and drum roll please... I attained a 3.8 cumulative GPA and managed to pull off an A- in my Music History class! That is the hardest class I have ever had in my entire academic career, and I worked my hiney off! So glad to see it paid off. :)
Here are some pictures from my busy
few months, not pageant related: ((Lamenting over my short legs outside of Radio City Music Hall, preparing for clarinet improv. in opera improv. workshop, sporting my groundhog gear after leaving Punxsutawney, PA, at Times Square with my best ladies, and Skating at Rockefeller Plaza in NYC on our first date))

In pageant related news:
I had an opportunity to jet away for a quick weekend off campus to support the girls participating in the Sweeps pageant this year. It was so exciting to be in the audience, and all of the girls did a lovely job! I was only able to stay for the first competition, but I was very proud of all of the girls!
I also had the chance to go to the Miss Ohio forum at 4H Camp Ohio! Yet again, this was one of my highlights of my year as a titleholder so far! I love how this atmosphere really breaks down the walls that are between the girls. We even had to wash all of our makeup off at one point.
It truly brought us all together on a deeper level than simply as competitors. I loved the crazy scavenger hunt, the challenge course, the delicious s'mores, and the sort of Miss Ohio "boot camp" where we had to sign out name a million times, deliver an imprompu speech, and apply our makeup in 5 minutes. It was truly a great weekend of bonding, and I can proudly say that we all got along very well.
Also, just yesterday was the Miss Ohio Community Service Day/Bowlathon! This is also one of my favorite days! I love going to bless the community by visiting with them and singing for them. I had the chance to get a little closer to Jessica Nelson (Miss Cuyahoga County) and Kylie Johnson (Miss Muskingum Valley) at Lexington Courts. We visited with the residents, I sang a few songs (sadly, neither of them could perform!), ate lunch, and continued to visit before
heading to the bowling alley. Bowling was fantastic as well! We all raised quite a bit of money for the program! And my nerdy humor even won my team some Subway gift cards! (I named our team the "Northwest Ninjas"!)
Overall, it was a fantastic day! We all seemed to have a great time together and truly enjoyed each others company. I cannot wait for Miss Ohio week to get here!!
I have my second mock interview tomorrow night. I have my entire competition wardrobe in place, and now it is just tweaking and buying odds and ends until that wonderful day of June 10th rolls around. :) I have a few appearances lined up at nursing homes and a possible radio interview and a possible hospital visit. So I will ideally be updating once more before THE week begins. :)
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy my pictures below, and God bless you! I have obviously been very busy at school, and that is preparing me in many ways for Miss Ohio, but I have also been actively working out and brushing up on my current events. I feel very excited for Miss Ohio this year. The first year, in fact, where very little anxiety about the actual pageant itself is plaguing me! I think this definitely has to do with the maturity I have gained throughout this past year, and also my relationship with God being that much stronger, along with the help of some amazing friends and family. God, and my support system, really helps me keep everything in perspective and gives me a peace about things. :)
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy my pictures below, and God bless you! I have obviously been very busy at school, and that is preparing me in many ways for Miss Ohio, but I have also been actively working out and brushing up on my current events. I feel very excited for Miss Ohio this year. The first year, in fact, where very little anxiety about the actual pageant itself is plaguing me! I think this definitely has to do with the maturity I have gained throughout this past year, and also my relationship with God being that much stronger, along with the help of some amazing friends and family. God, and my support system, really helps me keep everything in perspective and gives me a peace about things. :)
(For more pictures, check out my facebook page!)

Courtney Monk
Miss Northwestern Ohio 2011
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