My life has been busy, which at this point should go without saying, but I am having a lot of fun in everything I am involved in here at Anderson University. I am a soprano in my university's auditioned-based, 44 member "Chorale" and we are busily preparing for our spring break tour which kicks off this weekend! I am very excited about this tour because it is going to be taking us to New York City for 3 of the days! We are lucky enough to be staying in a hotel for a few nights that is right across the street from Carnegie Hall. It is going to be a blast of a trip, full of plenty of music-making, but also a lot of social time and bonding as well. The link for the tour is here with our schedule (!/event.php?eid=189689061056130)

I have been plugging away at filling out my Miss Ohio paperwork as well. Getting little pieces of it done whenever I can is helping it not be so daunting on top of my other schoolwork and practice. I met with my executive directors last weekend to talk over my game plan for preparing and shopping for Miss Ohio, and I am very excited about it. I am going to start going evening gown dress shopping here soon. I have a lot of ideas already, and I am excited to get going on that. Within these next 2 months of school, I will be investing a lot of time in my schoolwork of course, but I will try to do a few more appearances when I can. I am planning on trying to attend the Sweeps pageant in April if I can get away that weekend, and I am also trying to plan a visit to one or two different children’s hospitals (one in Ohio and one in Indiana) so I can touch the children through song and storytime! When those things happen, you can check back here for an update! Thanks for reading, God bless!