Today, I had the wondeful opportunity of singing and speaking at GlennPark assisted living center in Defiance. It was such a blessing to go and bless them! They were a very receptive audience; definitely not bouncing off of the walls, but were truly engaged. I sang a set of four songs and spoke a little about myself and my pageant journey in between each song. My set was: "Christmas Lullaby" Jason Robert Brown, "Good Morning Baltimore" from
Hairspray, "My Father's Heart" Rachael Lampa, and "Astonishing" from
Little Women.
One of the most touching moments I have had thus far on any appearance as a titleholder

today. While I was singing, I noticed one gentleman who seemed either very upset or very moved by my performance. I didn't think much of it until my performance concluded and I was unplugging my cd player. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and it was the older man. He was in tears again. He gently grabbed my face with one hand and my hand with his other hand and said, "You love God as much as I do..." I about lost it! I hugged him tight and told him how glad I was to meet him and how much of a blessing he had just been to me by saying that. I told him goodbye and God bless and he smiled and left. That was it. I may never see this man again, but just that short interaction with him left a huge mark on my heart - and apparently I was lucky enough to do the same for him.

It is in moments such as these in which I remember why I am doing what I am doing. That is what it is truly all about - blessing others through music, and in my case, through my love for them and for God.
Way to go Courtney--I wish I could have been there for your appearance today at Glann Park. How lovely for you to perform for these soldiers in Christ Jesus in their golden years I know they truly appreciated you and you made their day. I pray you much success in ALL your endeavors and in each chapter of your life! from a "little town neighbor"across the street--Carolynj